Legislative RSS Feeds

The following is an alphabetical list of legislatures that provide RSS feeds so their constituents can track legislation in progress.

Please contribute other feeds not listed here.

RSS: Feeds by individual bill.
Feed Information
RSS: Sénate (Senate, in French)
RSS: Assemblée Nationale (National Assembly, in French)
United States These feeds are offered by Govtrack.us, an “An independent, non-partisan, non-commercial website founded in September 2004.”
RSS: Active Legislation
RSS: Active Legislation Excluding New Bills
Newly Introduced Legislation
New Laws
Recent Votes
Upcomming Senate Committee Meetings
Feed information
RSS: Introduced Legislation
Feed Information
Feeds are available per bill — use the search engine to find a bill by number only. An RSS feed will be available on the search results screen. There’s no topical or overall feed available.
Feed information
RSS: Newly Filed Legislation
Feed Information
RSS: Bill Updates
Feed Information
Free registration required to access feeds. Once registered, select bills you wish to track — by number, topic, status, etc. Then, you can get an RSS feed of the bills you have selected. As of 11 April 2007, there’s no way to track all bills at once.
Rhode Island
Feed Information
RSS: All bills
Feed Information
Texas offers a variety of feeds (committee and House/Senate calendars, today’s bills, etc.), but not one specifically updating all current legislation.
RSS: Bill Tracker. Find the bill you wish to track and subscribe to the RSS feed from the search results page.
West Virginia
RSS: Wrap Up. Summary of legislation passed that week.

United KingdomFeed InformationRSS: ActsRSS: Statutory Instruments

Northern Ireland
RSS: Assembly Acts
RSS: Orders in Council
RSS: Statutory Rules
RSS: Parliament
RSS: Statutory Instruments

Updated 17 April 2007