RSS Book Publishing Timeline

I never knew that anyone was publishing books via RSS in a serial format… But apparently, they are, and have been for some time. A brief history of this novel (excuse the pun) serialization technique can be found at Names@Work. (This site is a plug for post is about the book Pulse: The Coming of Age of Systems and Machines Inspired by Living Things, which is being published via RSS and email in serial format at this site.)
[28 October 2006: As noted by Antony in the comment below, I mischaracterized his site in my original post. I’ve edited the text to clear up my misconception.]

2 thoughts on “RSS Book Publishing Timeline”

  1. speaking of serendipity – on the positive side of the flourishing new ways of discovery – I found your rich site via the Pulse site – and am subscribing.
    The glass is half full, not emptying.
    In brief I find these rapidly sprouting new technologies are part of the fertile garden of opportunity, probably supported because of google’s sucess.
    The threads of fresh ways to connect and learn from each other provided by RSS, Flock, squidoo, Pre-found, Frappr and various mash-ups lead even non-geek me to believe they are all supportive synchronistic ways of accidentally finding fresh ways of seeing life, my work, experts on a current project, even friends/colleagues from whom I can learn and cross-consult. – Kare, author of Smartpartnering

  2. Thanks for the notice on our History of RSS Publishing post. Just wanted to note that our site is not a plug for Pulse, although arguably that post is. Peace.

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