New Pew Survey on Blogging and Blog Readership

The Pew Internet & American Life Project released a summary of a spring survey on bloggers and blog readers: New Numbers for Blogging and Blog Readership.
Although the full report is not presented, some summary information is. These points are of note in the report’s discussion about blog readership:

  • “33% of internet users (the equivalent of 24% of all adults) say they read blogs, with 11% of internet users doing so on a typical day.”
  • “42% of internet users (representing 32% of all adults)” say they have, at some time, read a blog or online journal.
  • Men and women in this study are equally likely to say that they currently read other people’s blogs (35% for men, 32% for women)
  • Men are more likely than women to say that they have read other people’s blogs at some point in the past (48% vs. 38%). Pew speculates that this difference is because men “are generally heavily represented among the early adopters for most technologies, but women catch up over time.”

Items of note in the discussion about blog authorship:

  • “12% of internet users (representing 9% of all adults) say they ever create or work on their own online journal or blog.”
  • “For a majority of bloggers, working on their blog is not an every-day activity: 5% of internet users blog on a typical day.”

If a quarter of all adults say they read blogs on a daily basis, I wonder what additional percentage read blogs without knowing it? I also wonder what percentage of the currently active blog-reading population does so via RSS, and if they realize they’re reading a blog when they go to Google Reader or Bloglines.

Via Rich at J’s Scratchpad